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Wear with Conviction

How to pull off a cravat  


Here he comes. The Bantersaurus Rex, roaming over his natural environment. Slapping backs and slapping thighs, punishing even the slightest deviation from the norm with savage mick-taking.

We all know one.

In seriousness though, we can all be a bit resistant to trying something new. We all have our favourite, reliable outfits that won't let us down, and it does take confidence to wear something with a bit more...panache. But perhaps you think it's time to enliven your wardrobe a little, perhaps you want to show off a little imagination, a little personality? No need to throw out the whole lot - why not try a cravat to give your look a lift?


Confidence is Key

So how to pull off a cravat? As with so many things, the key is CONFIDENCE. A cravat is a really versatile garment, and can be worn in a lot of contexts, both dressed up and dressed down. It can of course be a statement piece, but it doesn't have to be - maybe you just want a subtle little pop of colour underneath a nice shirt, or an unconventional way to finish off your favourite suit. 


Express Your Individuality

You might feel a little slovenly with an open neck, a little restricted in a collar and tie? Our cravats are a clever and comfortable way to enliven your outfit whether you're 21 or 91. You might even like the feeling of standing out from the crowd, and the attention it brings, and being stylishly dressed does not mean you have to be the loudest voice in the room (leave that to the pint-downers and the mick-takers).

We could promise you our cravats will make you more attractive, more sophisticated, and improve your love life (and they probably will), but the main thing is how you feel - a confident gent who is comfortable in his own skin, unafraid of the braying of the jeans-and-a-t-shirt-brigade (did I mention it could improve your love life?). So don't be afraid to let your individuality shine, and wear your cravat with confidence, however you choose.

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